The Crew of the Spray

Sailing Alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum is a great view into the mind of a individualist and seafarer heading into the 20th century.

Medusa’s Raft

Medusa’s Raft

This is the story of the suffering, death and cannibalism of humans at sea. It is an extreme example of how failure of leadership can lead to the complete breakdown of empathy between humans.

Captain Ernie Blanchard

Captain Ernie Blanchard

The Destruction of Coast Guard Captain Ernie Blanchard,” by Ladson F. Mills 3, hits home for this Coast Guard veteran. But not in the way Mills intended. Every Coastie, enlisted and commissioned, needs to read this text.

Sailor Song

Sailor Song

I can always tell a fisherman from a sailor, by the eyes. A fisherman’s eyes is kind of set certain, because he always knows what he’s after and when he gets it – or when he don’t. A sailor never knows.